Barbara Branaman

Panel: Paving the Way: Ketamine Clinics Today, Psilocybin and MDMA Therapy Tomorrow

Barbara has had a lifelong interest in eastern and western healing arts and movement, and has been fortunate to study with a number of master teachers, including master yoga teacher Arkady Shirin. She received her doctorate in Medical Qigong from the International Institute of Medical Qigong/Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine under the tutelage of Dr. Jerry Alan Johnson, with whom she also studied the internal martial arts of TaiQi and Bagua.

Barbara’s formal education includes an undergraduate degree in Chinese Language and Literature from Oberlin College and Tunghai University in Taichung, Taiwan. During her study abroad, she began her studies in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), including Medical Qigong. She continued her education at the Thunderbird School of Global Management, receiving an MBA that led her to a career in high tech marketing and management.

Her personal journey to health includes being blessed to receive a kidney and pancreas transplant over 20 years ago. This life experience taught her the value of commitment to daily practice of the disciplines of eastern and western health and healing modalities that allow the body to flourish into a natural healthy state of balance and harmony.

Currently Barbara teaches yoga and Qigong both in public classes and privately.

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