Jesse Gould

Solo : The Veteran Psychedelic Story. Surviving War. Surviving Home.

Jesse Gould is a pioneer in psychedelic therapies. As Founder and President of the Heroic Hearts Project, he has spearheaded the research and acceptance of ayahuasca, ibogaine, and psilocybin therapy programs for military veterans. Jesse has raised over $500,000 in scholarships from donors including Dr. Bronner’s, partnered with the world’s leading psychedelic treatment centers, and is researching psychiatric applications with the University of Colorado Boulder, the University of Georgia, and Imperial College of London. His mission is to help military veterans struggling with mental trauma and spread awareness of the benefits that psychedelic therapies offer as an alternative treatment to pharmaceuticals. Jesse has spoken globally about the benefits of psychedelics on mental health and has been featured in the New York Times and Rolling Stone Magazine and recognized as one of the most influential voices in psychedelics today.

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