Sonia Weiss Pick

Panel: Psychedelic Investment

Sonia Weiss is Managing Director at WPSS Investments which she co-founded in 2018. Having witnessed the widespread impact of mental illness and trauma and the potential of psychedelics to alleviate the pain, Sonia is passionate about potentiating wellbeing by finding novel and holistic interventions for brain health. She brings 10 years of experience in strategic management, entrepreneurial ventures and the public sector. She is a supervisory board member at ATAI Life Sciences. Prior to WPSS, Sonia co-founded several online education platforms which significantly improved access to quality content in Latam. She forged her business career at Bain and Company. Additionally she worked at Technoserve and for former Mexican President Felipe Calderon. She holds a BA from Tufts University (cum laude) and an MBA from Harvard Business School.

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