Liminal Dreaming: Consciousness Exploration and Visionary Experience

Liminal dreaming is found in the space between waking and sleeping. In that moment, as you pass through hypnagogia and hypnopompia, the zones of liminal dreaming, your mind is in an imaginal place. It meanders between daytime awareness and the depths of the dream. Mystics, poets, philosophers, and scientists have all studied this practice since time immemorial in the hope of catching a glimpse of the mystery of the mind.
This workshop will provide an in-depth exploration of the remarkable, transformative, and even mystical mind states of hypnagogia and hypnopompia. You will learn practical exercises for locating and lingering in these astonishing liminal dream states and gain a set of valuable tools to continue your journey and dream practice.
Sessions include:
- Friday Evening: Understanding Liminal Dreams
- Saturday Morning: Deep Dive into Hypnagogia
- Saturday Afternoon: Liminal Dreaming for Creativity and Healing
- Saturday Evening: Liminal Dreams with Other Mind States
- Sunday Morning: Liminal Mind
Together we will explore ways that people across cultures and time have used liminal dreaming for consciousness exploration, creativity, problem-solving, and mental and spiritual healing and balance. Activities will include:
- Yoga Nidra guided meditation
- Exercises for accessing hypnagogia and hypnopompia
- Using hypnagogia/hypnopompia for creativity, healing, and visionary experience
- Experiments with oneirogens (any root, herb, food, scent, sound, etc. that promotes vivid dreaming)